Monday, July 3, 2017

July 4th and Your Animal Shelter

This will be a very busy week for animal shelters due to firework displays. It is a great time to do something kind for your community animal shelter!


1. Stop by with treats for staff and animals.
2. Post the shelter wishlist on your social media pages and ask friends and family to share it as well.
3. Ask what supplies are needed and do a local supply drive (include a donation bin at the pet store!"

One act of kindness can change a life. What will your act be? Tell us about it in the comments. 

Compassion Fatigue Conference - Save The Date!

Shelter friends, rescue friends, and vet tech friends!

Please put this event that I'm working on with our local HSUS team onto your calendars. 

On November 7 and 8, 2017, we will be bringing a special speaker to Chattanooga for a conference on Compassion Fatigue. 

Hilary Hager has been with the HSUS since 2011. She is a frequent author in Animal Sheltering magazine, and has a special interest in the area of compassion fatigue in animal care workers. 

You can read more about Hilary here:

Right now, we are in the process of figuring out the numbers of people who might attend, and securing a location. Then we will work on possible local sponsors to help us with goodies and food. We have definitely secured Hilary for these dates, however, so I wanted to let you know and make sure you could go ahead and please "save the date". 

I think this is going to be a great couple of days of learning about a topic that is so near and dear to our hearts! 

Compassion Fatigue Conference
Featuring: Hilary Hager, HSUS 
November 7-8, 2017
Chattanooga, TN 
Location: TBA

Mary M Weber Marr
District Leader Volunteer
Tennessee Congressional District 3