Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Bunny Can Live In The House!

Lots of serious topics these past few posts, so how about something a little lighter?

Over the weekend I had my first stint as a bunny sitter. One of my friends has now rescued two bunnies from the local HES: one we drove to Nashville, and now this one that she's keeping til his placement can be secured.

The first bunny, the little brown and white, was very tiny and shy.

The bunny I sat for this weekend is a big, big boy and he's really coming around to be a tame pet.
The person who gets this kid is going to love spoiling him and watching him do binkies.

A binky is what a bunny does when they are happy, they sort of run, jump, and twirl. It is as adorable as it sounds!

Here's a few photos of my charge. Isn't he something special? The ruby eyes take getting used to, but they are very expressive after you get to know him. His name is...Nibbles!

Now, back in my day (!), a pet bunny would live outside in a hutch. But did you know that a bunny can be trained to use a potty box? And they are actually very clean animals, and since they don't eat meat, there's very little odor. Their basic needs include an X Pen, potty box, paper litter pellets, and a variety of foods. They can be kept inside, in a pen when you're not home, and allowed loose in safe areas, i.e. not around other pets that may harm them, when you are home. They should be spayed or neutered, and you'll want to find a vet willing to see a bunny as not all will do so. 

They love all kinds of lettuce, greens, and some fruits. They are playful, curious, and of course, very soft. Just like a dog or cat, you would want to get to know your bunny and get to know his likes and dislikes. They all seem to like toys and something to chew on, and a place to hide like a little den.

If you have an interest in learning more about bunnies, there's resources online, and also our rescue friends are a great resource. Let me know if you feel inspired to give a bunny a lifelong home! 

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