Monday, March 6, 2017

Sunday's Chattanooga Times Free Press Letters to the Editor page

From Sunday's Chattanooga Times Free Press

Letters to the Editor Page


Oppose inhumane hunting in Alaska
I was outraged that the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.J. Resolution 69, authored by Alaska's Rep. Don Young.
This rule will overturn a federal rule years in the making, crafted by professional wildlife managers, aimed at stopping some of the most horrific hunting practices imaginable — killing wolf pups in the den, killing hibernating mother bears and cubs, scouting grizzly bears from aircraft and then shooting them after landing and trapping grizzly and black bears with steel-jawed, leg-hold traps and snares.
The resolution, endorsed by the NRA, Safari Club International and other trophy-hunting lobbyists, will allow these atrocities in Alaska's National Wildlife Refuges — publicly owned land paid for at taxpayer expense.
Please call Sens. Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander and let them know their constituents do not support these activities on our federal public lands. Urge them to vote "no" on S.J. Res. 18.
Mary Marr, Hixson

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