Thursday, May 19, 2016

This Humane Life: The First Post

After participating in many years of activism, rescue, transport, adoption events, tracking, trapping, and learning more all the time about myself and what I want to do in life, I've decided I should be writing some of this stuff down. It would be great to look back when I'm old and gray and think about all the wonderful, like-minded people I've met because of rescue. As well as the ever-growing list of pets who I've somehow helped along their way during my life. Each one I've met I've had the urge to keep, ha!, but I also knew that I was hopefully helping them find their path to a happy life, either with me or someone else who needed them. Thank goodness for a hubby and family who help me keep my numbers in check! 

One of the main benefits I'm also hoping to see is that maybe some other person who is new to rescue will read something here and it will help them see it is easy to get involved, find your niche, and you just learn so much about yourself in the process. So, thank you for reading my little stories here and let me know you are out there by commenting any time. 

Cato and Baby Gus, circa 1993.
Hawthorne Street in Midtown.
Memphis, TN


  1. What a fabulous idea, Mary! Can't wait to read more.

    1. Linda,
      Thank you for commenting and the support.
      It is nice to know someone is out there reading.
      Hopefully we have some future adventures to share! :)

    2. I need to document all my rescues like this. :-) Maybe they will help encourage others to help too!!

    3. Tracee, yes, you do! You have to tell the story of Lulu!

  2. Bravo! The adventures of Phoebe....

    1. Oh, yes, with a million photos, of course! <3

    2. I just watched that first one the other day, where she's running on the driveway of Weego's house. She was so funny and adorable and lively!
