Tuesday, May 24, 2016

TN Puppy Mill Awareness Task Force

My original post title was: Does the Thought of Fighting Puppy Mills Make You Feel Overwhelmed?

One of the reasons I blog about my animal welfare activities is that I hope to show how easy it is to find your niche. I know that not everyone is going to go to the shelter, or foster a dog, or give cash, or bottle feed tiny baby kittens. Meow.

But, I have good news! There's lots of ways you can become involved and be part of a movement in our society which is finally coming around to the idea of a more humane world.

In this little part of the world known as Tennessee there is a small but growing group of voices calling to end puppy mills in our state. There's literally NO excuse for the conditions these dogs find themselves in day after day, year after year. Breeding a dog over and over, without access to what a typical person would call humane conditions, should be and will be illegal. We can all be part of this reform by educating ourselves, and taking simple actions. One day it might be making a 1 minute phone call, another day it might be writing an email to a politician's office or the newspaper editor.

You can do this!

I was invited this week to join the TN Puppy Mill Awareness Task Force, which is the new initiative led by HSUS' Eric Swafford. He's already invited folks from across TN to join his FB page and become part of the process. You can join also, just by emailing him directly, telling him you want to be part of the task force and he'll share ideas and links with you: eswafford@humanesociety.org He's a great resource!

IF you do send him an email, let me know in the comments below. Feel free to also state why you joined, or what questions you have about puppy mills.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm learning more about this blog posting business. For one thing, without a photo in the post I can't add it to my Pinterest board. I'm trying to share by each method. When are you going to blog again so we can share tips? ;)

    2. Probably not for awhile in this venue. :)
