Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"July is Kind Acts for Animal Shelters" Month

Did you know that July is Do Something Kind for Animal Shelters Month?

I didn't either, but apparently it IS and it is being sponsored by my very own favorite charity, HSUS, so let's focus on ways to celebrate!

Here's a few ideas of things you could do to help:
-Volunteer a few hours a week. You would be surprised at the variety of tasks they need help with on an ongoing basis.
-Call them and see what their needs are: plastic bags, newspapers, children's books, paper towels, etc. and then find ways to collect them or even do a drive for such items.
-Offer your talents in ways you might not have thought of: sewing blankets, making signs, helping with IT problems. You never know what they need until you ask, and maybe it is something easy for you.

Here's some cool suggestions from our TN Puppy Mill Awareness page, posted just this morning:

Today is the day! July 5th, busiest day of the year for many animal shelters. Shelter staff (and ACOs) will be taking in lost pets and assisting with the public as people look for animals that ran from fear of fireworks. Most of the country is also dealing with dangerous temperatures! So, what can you do?
Ideas for kind acts:
1. Call local paper or media contact and tell them what is happening at the shelter today 
2. Fill a cooler with soft drinks and snacks and drop it off for staff
3. Ask them what they need and volunteer!
4. Share this post and inspire others

(https://www.facebook.com/TN-Puppy-Mill-Awareness-Task-Force-1597934470516881/?fref=nf )

Let me know what you are thinking about doing, or are doing, or will offer to do, in the comments below!

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