Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Real, True Story of Mullins

From the Rescue Archives of August, 2012: 

Will you please help me find the right person for my favorite little rescue kitten? I want him to go to someone special!

ON June 15th, 2012 I was driving home from Southwest CC and there was this little orange kitten just lying in the road. I slowed down, and I thought I saw that his eyes were open.
I turned around to go back, and cars were just driving right over him and not slowing down. I was so scared for the little thing, but I thought it might be alive still so I didn't want to give up yet. I pulled up next to it, and it was breathing! Oh gosh, I was about to cry and I didn't know what to do. I got Bella's blanket out of the car and went to try to pick it up. I thought it might scratch me but it did not move at all, other than breathing, I could tell it was breathing. He was like a little tiny lump.
I started lowly talking to him, and patting him softly. I didn't know for sure what all might be wrong with him, other than it had been hit by a car and was in a state of deep shock. He wasn't bleeding anywhere, but he had black road marks on him. I put him into my lap and started driving. I could not think of what to do! I was trying to think where a vet was, close by, but I was so upset I couldn't think straight. I finally thought well, if I just head to my house I'll be in more familiar surroundings and figure it out. Then all of sudden, I realized I was driving past the Humane Society! So I pulled in there, and just jumped out with him wrapped in the blanket! I ran up yelling, I need help for this kitten! and they found a worker to take him over to the vet they use in Bartlett.
I have called every couple of days to check on him. They named him Mullins (for the road he was hit on) and he has a badly broken leg which is almost healed now. He was in shock at first and they weren't sure he would make it but he is doing so much better now, and they said he will be put up for adoption soon.
He is very light orange with a lot of white, fluffy hair on the underside. When I picked him up, he looked like he was about 2-3 months old maybe, still young. Please, please, please let me know if you know someone who might want to adopt him! And pass along his story to all the best cat people! Thanks.

UPDATE: Of course, he did get adopted, although I don't have details. I sure would love to know if they kept his name. It's a cute name. And I think of him every time I see an animal in the road. I always slow down now to see if they might be alive and just need someone to help them get to safety!

Happy life, kid! 

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