Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Humane Lobby Day 2017

Met with our 26th district House Representative yesterday, Gerald McCormick, to ask for his support on this year's HSUS focus bill in TN: the commercial breeder act, a.k.a. the puppy mill bill.

We appreciate his taking the time to listen, ask questions, and support our efforts to make TN a more humane state!

P.S. I'm in the market for a good selfie-stick!

L-R:  The Honorable Gerald McCormick (TN), Maryann Davis, Mary Bowman, Mary Marr

In case you're unaware, there are currently unlicensed breeders in TN who are able to breed and sell puppies without any type of regulations. They get as little care as the breeder cares to provide and the breeder makes the money without paying taxes. This situation is wrong for the animal and also wrong for the unsuspecting consumer, who may be paying top dollar for a dog that may soon show signs of illness from unscrupulous breeding.

If you 'wish' someone would do something for these pets, comment below and I'll help you get started! There's things you can do from home, or out in the community, all you have to do is get started!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Update on the Horse Protection Amendments - It's Happening!

Last Fall, I took off work one day and drove to a hotel conference center in Murfreesboro to speak publicly for the passing of this new ruling against horse soring. Those of us speaking out against such horse abuse were actually in the minority that day, but across the nation we were the majority.
Today the ruling we wanted was passed. What a great day!
So happy to have been part of this historic day, now let's make it stick!

Related post: My Statement to the USDA

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

RIP Denzel

RIP Denzel

Another of the Vicktory dogs has died after an extended illness (lyme disease), in a place of love and comfort, as much as he would allow. Because of his past, he never was able to accept much human contact, but was still loved and cared for at the Best Friends sanctuary.

I follow Little Red, Cherry, and Handsome Dan on FB and Ray, who has also passed away. Layla, Mel, and Shadow also have sites online. There were 48 dogs in all, 22 went to Best Friends. Some could not be fully rehabilitated and adopted out, like Denzel, but their rescuers made a life for them anyway. For all of the ones who were saved, the effect on the humans who interacted with them was life-changing. If you've never watched the movie about them, The Champions, it is definitely a must-see for anyone involved in humane animal work.

I love the tag line from the movie, and quote it here in remembrance of Denzel, who could not allow much contact but was still loved and valued by the people who took the time to learn his story and how it shaped him.

"Fighting dogs rescued from Michael Vick's dog fighting ring change the lives of the people who risked everything to save them."

It is amazing to think of the ways their story has brought to light so much about the resiliency of dogs. It is inspiring to think of these "throw away dogs" having such an impact on their rescuers and other activists, even now, years later.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bella Marr, Come Here Right This Minute!

Bella is fine, but she scared the crap out of me this morning. After breakfast, I usually don't let her go out again because sometimes she hides under the steps and won't let me get her when she knows I have to go to work. But this morning I let her out because I had given her just the smallest bite of steak on her regular food and she was barking like she might have to poo. Well, a few mins later she wouldn't come in when the others did. Usually I stay out there but I had to go back in for a minute. So, I go out and I'm calling and don't see her anywhere, and it is still dark out, then I go get Wm and he's out there, we both have flashlights, and there's no sign of her anywhere, not even in her usual hiding spots. 

I go all the way down the backyard hill to the woods and all around the back fence. I'm getting a little panicky. Finally, I crawl under the deck and she's there, OMG, she's way up under the corner where I can barely see her and certainly can't reach her. She's in like 6 inches of space. 

So, I get out, my nightgown is all dirty and leaves in my hair. Damnit! So, she won't come out. Wm goes inside, with one final, "I told you she was fine". I finally went in and got some turkey lunchmeat. I go out there, and I stick it in the tiny slot between the boards so she can smell it, and I can see her little black nose right there. Then I called Buster over and gave him some, and she finally came out.


We need to work on recall.