Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Humane Lobby Day 2017

Met with our 26th district House Representative yesterday, Gerald McCormick, to ask for his support on this year's HSUS focus bill in TN: the commercial breeder act, a.k.a. the puppy mill bill.

We appreciate his taking the time to listen, ask questions, and support our efforts to make TN a more humane state!

P.S. I'm in the market for a good selfie-stick!

L-R:  The Honorable Gerald McCormick (TN), Maryann Davis, Mary Bowman, Mary Marr

In case you're unaware, there are currently unlicensed breeders in TN who are able to breed and sell puppies without any type of regulations. They get as little care as the breeder cares to provide and the breeder makes the money without paying taxes. This situation is wrong for the animal and also wrong for the unsuspecting consumer, who may be paying top dollar for a dog that may soon show signs of illness from unscrupulous breeding.

If you 'wish' someone would do something for these pets, comment below and I'll help you get started! There's things you can do from home, or out in the community, all you have to do is get started!

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