Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bella Marr, Come Here Right This Minute!

Bella is fine, but she scared the crap out of me this morning. After breakfast, I usually don't let her go out again because sometimes she hides under the steps and won't let me get her when she knows I have to go to work. But this morning I let her out because I had given her just the smallest bite of steak on her regular food and she was barking like she might have to poo. Well, a few mins later she wouldn't come in when the others did. Usually I stay out there but I had to go back in for a minute. So, I go out and I'm calling and don't see her anywhere, and it is still dark out, then I go get Wm and he's out there, we both have flashlights, and there's no sign of her anywhere, not even in her usual hiding spots. 

I go all the way down the backyard hill to the woods and all around the back fence. I'm getting a little panicky. Finally, I crawl under the deck and she's there, OMG, she's way up under the corner where I can barely see her and certainly can't reach her. She's in like 6 inches of space. 

So, I get out, my nightgown is all dirty and leaves in my hair. Damnit! So, she won't come out. Wm goes inside, with one final, "I told you she was fine". I finally went in and got some turkey lunchmeat. I go out there, and I stick it in the tiny slot between the boards so she can smell it, and I can see her little black nose right there. Then I called Buster over and gave him some, and she finally came out.


We need to work on recall. 

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